Author, Sherry Lewis Henry, PhD, MSW earned her academic degrees, enroute to personal therapy, resulting from, ‘Murder in the Family….her own mother, Olive Lewis.Having benefitted therapeutically, from their books, she sought out Drs. Viktor Frankl in Austria, Paul Tournier and Andra Weiss in Switzerland, who acquainted her with their personal experiences as Holocaust survivors, leading her into personal acquaintance with other Survivors throughout Israel. Their diagnoses of Survivor Syndrome, synonymous with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, became her specialty in clinical practice and presentations at various venues, designating the Survivor’s Mission: As one helps others in their healing process, one’s own healing continues. Although the Justice System was closed to her murdered mother, she nevertheless trusted Jesus’ promise, to Ask, Seek and Knock and answers will be found Matthew 7:7-8 & Luke 11:9-10.
Sherry Lewis Henry, PhD, MSW, is a retired clinical social worker. She was motivated to write Trauma & Survivor Syndrome by the desire to investigate her mother’s murder. Seeking the truth became a healing journey, which led her to Israel. There, among Holocaust survivors and their progeny, she found peers, validation and existential restoration.
When did you first discover that you enjoy writing and wanted to become a published author?
I began writing poetry very early… elementary school. The earliest dated poem is age nine. it was a form of refuge and an effort to understand domestic violence and drunkness in our family. I never thought about publishing a book until a decade later, after the intensive cover-up of my mother’s murder,; I knew, ‘It has to be told…whatever happened and whoever did it, cannot and must not be kept quite’… the writing began. But my investigative efforts were throughted by the officials, so as more was learned, another book was needed.
What is your favorite and the most challenging aspect of writing?
Whereas my earlier writing of poem was the therapeutic outlet for myself, the challenge became that of writing to and for others to understand. I was encouraged by psychiatrist-journalist, Charles Krauthamers’ statement, ” I write my message, then I re-write it many times over.”
Tell us about your latest release.
My first two books focused on the experience of our family’s interaction of love and responsibility, interspursed with Dad’s drunken episodes of wrecking the house and breaking the dishes, culminating in beating my mother…only ‘after’ our mother managed to get the children to safety. Then a murder occured. The next book focused on the town’s hush-hush, the multitude of lies from both sides of the family and the early effects of trauma. The third book focused on the symptomology of trauma, with no knowledge of PTSD at the time. Upon learning of the Jewish Holocaust, and of the Survivors with their trauma-symtoms labeled Survivor Syndrome, an indepth study of symptomology was done. This became a book by diagnostic labels. The latest book comprises the ‘whole story’ of the family-plight of: good, loving, responsible people dealing with alcohol/domestic violence; then spiritual component of transcendending the latter; emancipation of the adult children, culminating in one big bang. The mother is found dead in her home, and the ‘world went out immediately: Suicide.’ Members of both sides of the family concocted numerous lies… and even the Governor of the state participated. The older daughter, married, was re-living her mother’s experience in domestic violence, but had very recently made the “Born-again” commitment to Jesus Christ….and shared it with her family. Her mother, also a born-again Christian, was exhuberantly happy and began eagerly planning the soon-coming Christmas holiday with the extended family, including her two toddler-grandchildren whom she adored. Then, only days before Christmas, with all all preparations apparent, she’s dead from gunshot to the head. Only the daughter was ‘investigating,’ while being told and warned often, to, “Leave this alone, put it behind you and go-on-with-your-life!” But that wasn’t possible. After her recent conversion, she had begun to study Jesus’ comforting words, among them” “Ask,Seek,Knock and you will find… will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” This became her Guide and endorsement. Truth came, but very slowly… until, years later a local lady apologetically told her, “I am so sorry for what we did to you girls.” referring to the town’s Hush-Hugh response, to her dear mother’s murder.
How did you come up with the title of your book?
The title born the Coroner’s initial response, ” This is the most ‘blatant murder’ I ever saw. A great deal of effort by many of the local townsfolk, booth women and men exerted, in efforts to conceal a crime and ‘blame-the-victim.’ a most henious crime. But this was a ‘group-interaction’. The town locals participated in deeds, in words, or in silence of what they knew and distancing mourners.
When, decades later, a flood ravaged that small-town, followed by a tornado which destroyed mane homes, this author thought it only “appropriate” that “this town” suffered its effects also, right at the Christmas-time. When the town center was abandoned to ghost town appearance, Author wrote her last poem: “When a town deserves to be a town no more, God reduces the town to a General Store. Then, Justice Denied will occur no more, as did the sins of that Town, back in ’64.
What do you hope readers are able to get from reading your story?
I hope they realized the Reality of God’s spiritual-realm; the strength that God gives, through whatever we encounter in this life-on-earth. When we BELIEVE Him initially, for salvation and take seriously the words of Jesus to, “Ask, seek, and knock…for Truth” that liberates…He follows through. I hope they recognize that non-Believers can easily be manipulated to follow-other manipulators, to easily lie and easily be deceived themselves. We need to know Whom We Trust…Everyone Believes Somethinng and Trust in Someone. To conspire to hide or/and totally distort the truth… is among the greatest of deceptions to others and to oneself. Jesus said, “I am Truth.” Compassion is needed by mourners, not lies.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
In earlier years in school, I read lots and knew ‘favorite authors.’ Now, I’m sad to realize I’ve forgatten most of the names…that I’m very grateful to. In later years, I met Viktor Frankl,M.D. in Austria, a Holocaust survivor authoring several books, including ‘Man’s Search for Meaning.’ Paul Tournier,M.D. a friend found in Geneva, wrote, The Violence Within, which helped me immenselyin my personal quest for therapy. M.Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled was helpful to me and others in my work later, as therapist. I benefitted so greatly upon finding the book, Massive Psychic Trauma by Henry Krysal, M.D., that, much later, upon learning he himself had been a concentration camp survivor, I made a hurried trip to visit him in person at his home in Detroit, Michigan, to say. “THANK YOU!.” I continue to appreciate the books written by my favorite pastors, Reverends Swaggart, Jeremiah, Jeffries and many others. Life and God have a way of sending-the-right authors our way in time of need and placing those books-we-need When we need them. Books can be so therapeutic!
Do you have any advice for writers looking to get published?
First of all, ‘writing-is-therapeutic. It helps one to calm, rethink, reflect, etc., all without the ‘threat’ involved in a heated discussion, possibly resulting in ‘fight or flight’
Then also, some discover it’s ‘fun and enticing, even inspirational, to ‘discover’one’s own thoughts and views, by writing them down to reread, contemplate, revise and eventually dismiss or identify-with. It truly helps a person to ‘get to know oneself better’ and in the ease and relaxation of home, costing nothing. And if one doesn’t like whats/he’s written or/and discovered…..then it can be easily disposed of, privately.
AND, if you feel pleased with your writings and feel it would benefit others to ‘ share you discovered perspective, etc.’ then definitely seek info publication.
If It Needs to be Done, Do it. It it Needs to be Said, Say it….verbally, or/and write it.
Ask, Seek and Knock, until you find your own route, and don’t forget to be Tahnkful.